Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Cold, cut

Well, I'm definitely over the hump with my cold, so that's good. Meetings, meetings, meetings about transportation and land use planning in this city, which isn't interesting me very much at the moment but that's what my group of five have been entrusted with. I think I'm just mentally exhausted.

Do I look mentally exhausted? This is me as of a couple of minutes ago. My haircut is the cutting edge of Naga fashion, done by an old guy at Interpol Barber Shop, who spoke virtually no English. Not bad under the circumstances.

The Elections Commission have finally moved out of the Youth Centre so we've moved in. Glad I'm taking my malaria meds because I've woken up the past two mornings with dozens of mosquito bites. Turns out the window doesn't close all the way. Which also explains the ants. And why the air conditioning doesn't seem to work very well. I think I'll be forced to mobilize Operation Mosquito Netting. Or maybe Operation Move Back To The Hotel.


Toshi said...

Good luck with Operation MN! It's 28C here but no mosquitoes or geckos :-)

Unknown said...

Almost all the the men with short hair had great hair cuts in the Philippines- and yours looks great!. 16 degrees here this moring, but should get warmer. It snowed in Calgary testerday and was 27 in southern Alberta????
Cats still doing well and starting to look out the open back door- but never venturing outside.
Back to work- but still feeling fairly relaxed. Starting to make a few scheduling changes- going to try to keep things a little less crazy this summer.
A new Pt of mine is a costume designer and works with mortal coil ( sp?) and knows Greg. She wants to help our office put an entery into the parade this summer- Tooth Fairies anyone???

Greg said...

Sorry to hear about the heat. I know how much you hate it. Seems like a mis-match between the person and the place. I can't say I'd like it, even (as much as I love heat, humidity isn't all that fun).
I'm still loving your blog entries.
I'm hoping all the annoyances of your trip get better.

Diane said...

I'm really enjoying your blog. It is very amusing. It reminds me about the joys and frustrations of travelling and all the crazy things that can happen. I think your haircut looks fine, but your expression makes it look like you are ready to be admitted to an insane asylum or that you have been really shocked by something.