Monday, May 14, 2007


Toilet facilities here are referred to as "comfort rooms" or simply "C.R.". How comforting.

However, especially in rural or poor areas, a C.R. can be an unlit shack with a dirt floor, two footpads and a hole, and no paper, just a bucket of questionable water and a scoop. Even ones with an actual toilet fixture frequently have no seat, and/or you have to pour water in (from the bucket) to the bowl to "flush" because it's not hooked up to a water supply. I have come to think of this comfort-room bucketed water as eau de toilette. It's more comforting that way.

O Japan, I miss your washlets.


Toshi said...

So, when are you coming back???

Jeff said...

Just as soon as I'm laughably rich and carefree. Or this afternoon. Whichever turns out to be more feasible.